Read the latest insights.
Our resources below from the Sayge team and our coaches cover a wide range of topics for employees seeking professional development as well as for HR leaders seeking insights into coaching.

Mastermind Groups, The Myth of the Nice Girl, & People Pleasers
Welcome to the October 2019 edition of ‘The Monthly Mindset,’ an email series where Katie Stricker, President and Co-founder, shares a few things she’s thinking

Can You Ever Truly Replace In-Person Meetings?
During a recent customer advisory board meeting (an in-person meeting, I may add), I was involved in a heated debate about flexible, remote working options.

Flexible Work, Atomic Habits, & Inspiring People
Welcome to the July 2019 edition of ‘The Monthly Mindset,’ an email series where Katie Stricker, President and Co-founder, shares a few things she’s thinking

Uber & The True Cost of Toxic Leadership
On the day of the Uber IPO, I decided to tune into MSNBC to see the ringing of the bell. Shortly after, I observed an

Psychological Safety, Assertive Communication, & Acceleprise
Welcome to the June 2019 edition of ‘The Monthly Mindset,’ an email series where Katie Stricker, President and Co-founder, shares a few things she’s thinking

Inclusiveness, Ten Percent Happier, & Daring Greatly
Welcome to the May 2019 edition of ‘The Monthly Mindset,’ an email series where Katie Stricker, President and Co-founder, shares a few things she’s thinking

A Proactive Approach to Preparing Your Next Group of Managers
“That person is a superstar and a subject-matter expert. Press pause. That does not mean that person will be a wonderful manager.” – Erica Edwards-O’Neal

How to Cultivate Self-Awareness in the People You Work With
I was recently invited to observe a corporate simulation at a university in New York. First-year MBA students were each assigned an executive role within

Staying Human-Centric as Technology Propels HR Forward
Last month, the Sayge team attended the HR Transform conference. We flew to Las Vegas to join some of the most forward-thinking HR innovators creating
Ask a question!
If you don’t see a topic covered adequately in our resources, ask a question and we’ll try our best to write down our thoughts.