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Our resources below from the Sayge team and our coaches cover a wide range of topics for employees seeking professional development as well as for HR leaders seeking insights into coaching.

Triple Tip: Emotional Intelligence

You’ve likely heard of emotional intelligence (EI) and emotional quotient (EQ) before, but what do these terms actually mean? Simply put, EI or EQ is

Triple Tip: Mastermind Groups

Mastermind Groups, coined by Napoleon Hill nearly 100 years ago, are exclusive groups of like-minded individuals who meet consistently over a period of months or

Why Gen Z Wants to Be Coached, Not Managed

To help Gen Z thrive in the workplace, organizations should foster active problem solving, leverage a coaching leadership style, and create bite-sized opportunities for growth.

Niceness, Empathy, & Making Mistakes

Welcome to the January 2020 edition of ‘The Monthly Mindset,’ an email series where Katie Stricker, President and Co-founder, shares a few things she’s thinking

Triple Tip: Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is the shared belief that a group is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. When Google spent years researching team success for an initiative called

Ask a question!

If you don’t see a topic covered adequately in our resources, ask a question and we’ll try our best to write down our thoughts.

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