Template email for POCs to send to managers

Use the following template to send the managers who have active participants in Sayge Coaching.

Hi –


In the last few days, one or more of your direct reports started their 1:1 professional development coaching journey, and will soon be matched with their Sayge coach.


As a manager of a Sayge participant, your input and support is critical to ensuring your direct reports get the most out of their 1:1 professional development coaching.


We ask that each of you take the following 3 actions to support them:

  1. Discuss: Have at least three conversations with your direct report(s) about their coaching – now and over the next few months – using these Conversation Guides [Sayge to provide link] to support those conversations
  2. Align on a topic: Collaborate with your direct report(s) to select at least one topic for them to self-report progress on back to you
  3. Prioritize this opportunity: Encourage participation in, and prioritization of, this program, knowing it is self-driven and completely confidential 


Please visit THE MANAGER LANDING PAGE for more information and resources. We encourage you to read through these materials and to reply to this email with any questions you have.


Thank you in advance for supporting your direct reports through this valuable professional development opportunity!

