Ute Voegler

As an ICF-certified business and leadership coach, I support my clients through change
processes, overcoming obstacles and conflicts, and reducing stress in their professional and
personal lives. My goal is to be a catalyst for my clients helping them thrive, become more
productive, satisfied, and happier in their careers and daily lives. I hold a certificate in
Leadership Coaching for Organizational Well-Being from the Center for the Advancement of
Well-Being at George Mason University, VA, USA.

Prior to coaching, I worked as a lawyer in compliance and internal complaint management
for most of my professional career. Today, in addition to my coaching work, I conduct
training and consulting for medium-sized and large companies in Germany on the German
General Equal Treatment Act and the prevention of discrimination at the workplace.

Born and raised in Germany, I also feel at home in an international environment. I have lived
and worked in several countries, including a total of nine years in New York and Washington
D.C., USA. I currently live back in Berlin, Germany with my husband and three children.