Susan Sotnick

Susan Sotnick is an ICF certified Professional Development Coach with a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and a focus in Talent Development. She brings 17+ years of experience in human services and non-profit management as a mentor, coach, instructor, and facilitator. Susan partners with clients to develop and leverage executive presence so they can increase their visibility and expand their impact. One of Susan’s coaching specialties is helping clients to eliminate symptoms of imposter syndrome. This is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, accomplishments, and experiences and feels a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of past success. She does this by coaching clients to expand their leadership presence so they can show up authentically and confidently to strategically accomplish their career goals. She helps clients to develop leadership presence by recognizing the value they bring to their organization. She guides them through an investigation of their strengths, values, experiences, and skills and helps them use that knowledge to bolster their confidence and tap into their true potential. Susan is also fluent in American Sign Language and is capable of coaching individuals in ASL who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.